Chip Sealing

Chip sealing for dust control and road stabilization on dirt and gravel roads can be affective at first but can have very costly and damaging affects on your long term road maintenance plan and surrounding environment.

Chip Seal

What Is Chip Sealing?
Chip sealing is a thin layer of liquid asphalt that is sprayed over the road surface and then covered with a thin layer of aggregates. A typically chip sealing is much more costly than other dust control products.

Is Chip Sealing A Good Investment?
When the chip sealing treatment wears down you are left with a bumpy uncomfortable road due to all the pot holes and worn out spots. In order to repair the road to good driving conditions you must tear up the patches of asphalt and rework the surface into a smooth road again. Tearing up and hauling out what remains from a chip sealed road can be very costly, an expense that you don’t have to worry about with other road stabilization products. In addition, because chip sealing is an oil based product it may have harmful effects on the environment, especially if it’s near wells, wet lands, streams, or lakes chip sealing should not be an option. The oils also make switching to an environmentally friendly dust control product not very effective because the oils from the asphalt don’t allow you to mix other products into the soil as well.

See why everyone is choosing an environmentally friendly alternative for road dust control